Where It All Began

Where It All Began

The Purple Cowboy is over 50 years old. This wonderful gentleman told the very first story about our banana gun wielding hero to his son. He often reminds us of his life mission, "I just want to make you little ones laugh... that's my job."

Grandpa has always been a tough man, forged in fire some might say... he served in the United States Marine Corps, and was a autobody mechanic for many years after. However, he has a softer side, a side not everyone has the privilege of knowing. He is kind, compassionate, and has a genuine love for children. 

He has endured a great deal throughout his life, but never let any of it bring him down. He always found a way to keep going. He has enjoyed telling each generation the adventures of The Purple Cowboy. In truth, creating a legacy of lessons that will live forever in the hearts and minds of the children that hear them.

Thank you for being such a bright light Grandpa.

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